Assisted Suicide Bill

Published by Admin on

The Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill, which would legalise assisted suicide in Scotland, has reached a critical stage at the Scottish Parliament. Your action is needed.

The Bill, put forward by Liam McArthur MSP, is currently being scrutinised by the Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee ahead of a crucial stage 1 vote likely to be held early in 2025.
To have the best chance of defeating the Bill at the stage 1 vote, we need to mobilise as many people as possible to contact MSPs to express concerns about the proposal.
To support this effort, there is a document detailing the dangers of the Bill which can be downloaded here:
Assisted Suicide Script
You are urged to write to your 8 MSPs to stop assisted suicide becoming legal in Scotland. Use the ‘Write to Them’ website to write to your MSPs at
Write to MSP.
It is suggested that you use your own words to express your views and reasoning, and please give your name and address. (This is important so that the MSPs know whether they are your representatives.)

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